Recorder Cat – 10 Lesson Recorder Curriculum Bundle with Music MP3s – Sequential PowerPoint Guide

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $37.97.

Recorder curriculum, songs, mp3s

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This no-prep recorder curriculum includes 10 recorder songs that will make teaching the recorder the easiest part of your day! It’s fun and scaffolded for student success. I’ve also used the backing tracks for recorder performances.

Every set breaks down the song by rhythm, solfege, pitch, and fingerings. They include quality mp3 accompaniment tracks embedded into the slideshows and worksheets for classwork or homework.



Cuckoo has now been included for teachers who prefer to start by learning EG before BAG. If you start with BAG, use Cuckoo anytime after Hot Cross Buns!



1) PowerPoint presentation of the song

2) Student badge tracker

3) Classwork/Homework/Sub/Centers Worksheets for each song

4) Mp3 accompaniment track (also embedded in PPT)

5) Class Badge Chart (only available in the bundle)

***BONUS: a 7 page PDF of exercises has been added to the bundle only for students to practice in-between pieces!***





Notes: E, G

Rhythms: quarter note, beamed 8th notes, half rest

Solfa: sol, mi

Other: call and response


Hot Cross Buns (available in 2/4 and 4/4)

Notes: B, A, G

4/4 Rhythms: whole, half, and quarter notes

2/4 Rhythms: quarter note, quarter rest, and 8th notes

Solfa: mi, re, do


Au Clair de la Lune

Rhythms: whole, half, and quarter notes

Other: skip from G to B


Frog in the Meadow

Rhythms: beamed 8th notes, quarter rest

Other: skip from B to G, 2/4 time sig.


Doggie, Doggie

New Note: low E

Solfa: sol, mi, la

Other: slur from G to E, skip from E to A


Down by the Station

New Note: low D

Solfa: low sol

Other: divisi on final note


The Snake Charmer

New Note: F#

Solfa: me

Other: e minor, no lyrics


Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

New Note: F#

Solfa: fa

Other: D major, leap from D to A, and E to A, D.C. al Fine



Solfa: low sol

Other: notes leap around on the G major triad, D.C. al Fine


Chatter with the Angels

Rhythm: syncopation, dotted quarter-8th note

New Notes: low E, high D

Solfa: low la

Other: D major, leap from D to A, and E to A


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